Monday, February 23, 2009

Were In...

Hello my bitches!

Eeeeasy. Eeeeasy! That's just a joke, the only "bitch" around here is my "pacer". Hahahaha!

Okay, so it's been pretty much an easy week around here. I've been riding a high all week ever since getting back from PsycoWyco, and my pacer has pulled back on the reins a bit. We've been running most days since we've been back, but they have been held to an hour or so and... darn it... I'm so stoked at how well things went there that I just don't want to hold back.

I wants to GET IT ON! I NEED to get it ON!

Although I understand my "pacers" approach at taking a recovery week after the race. I had to give him a mocking wrinkle face a couple of times. Know why? Cause he's weak, and I gots to get IT ON!

Even had to blow by him a couple of times, just to send the message... Yep, you guessed it. I- NEED- TO- GET- IT- ON!

So, I'm gonna GET IT ON at the Rockin K trail marathon on April the fourth of 2009!

I am so stoked my friends! Seriously, we got back from PsychoWyco which was truly just a proving ground of how I would deal with crowds, and to test my longer race paced efforts and I felt golden. Not like a Golden Retriever (they have too much hair for my taste), but I mean I feel freak'n awesome!

So I had to find a race that my "pacer" and I could go and do before my running season closes out. By "closing out", I mean it will get too hot to race pretty soon, so time is of the essence and I want to race a race, not just run it.

I WANT TO... saaay it with me!!! GET IT ON!!

And we found that race in the Rockin K 26.3 mile off-road trail marathon. Lucky we found it when we did cause the race filled up and closed out the day we got signed up. Anywho.

So I spent some time this week e-mailing back and forth with one of the race directors. A super cool gal by the name of Stacy, who... made me fill out a registration form of my own, and I had to sign the waiver even. We also had to make a few concessions to gain entrance (due to a previous dogs antics in the aid stations), but all is good, and we are more than happy to comply with the stipulations because she gave us assurance that both "pacer" and I would be in the race. Meaning, I WILL be a legitimate runner in the race.

Meaning... You guessed it.



No choice but to GET IT ON!




Danielle in Iowa in Ireland said...

Oly, just make sure to taper properly before the race. If anything your bitch, er pacer, might not be able to keep up if he doesn't get to rest up.

Kate said...

Um, Oly, Kona would like me to tell you that she likes your wrinkle face and she wants to know if it is ok for her to print off your pictures and put them up in her kennel.

Yeti said...

Hank wanted to tell Oly good job.

Oh he wants to write something.

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signed HAnK Y